Sunday 18 November 2012

Hamster Life Cycle

Hamsters make great pets, are clean and easy to care for, and can live a long life given the proper care. The most popular domesticated hamster breeds include a variety of Syrian and Dwarf hamsters.

In this post we will explain the life cycle of the animal that gives birth. The life process is different from the chicken, butterfly and frog.

·         Both Syrian and dwarf hamsters reach sexual maturity and can breed before they are a month old. However, breeding at such a young age can result in complications for mother and litter.
·         According to, the gestation period is 16 days for Syrian hamsters; 18 to 21 days for Dwarf Russian, Campbell’s and Chinese hamsters; and 23 to 30 days for Roborovski hamsters.
·         Syrian hamsters can give birth to 20 babies in one litter, while dwarf hamsters typically birth no more than 10 pups at a time, according to
·         Both Syrian hamsters and dwarf hamsters live an average of two to three years. Signs of aging include sleeping more while eating less and some hair loss, according to Hammy's World.

We inserted a video which explain a mouse for more learning purposes. 

Summary: Hamster reproduction through giving birth. The baby hamster ( pup) is growing to adult hamster and the life cycle repeat again. 

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