Sunday 18 November 2012

Chicken Life Cycle

Different animals have different life cycle. 

Ever wonder a chicken's life cycle is?
In this post we are going to talk about a chickens life cycle. 

Chicken Life Cycle Facts

  • When an egg is laid, a chick starts to grow inside. 
  • The eggs need to be kept warm.  The hen will sit on top ofthe eggs to keep them warm. 
  • The yolk inside the egg has food that helps the chick grow. 
Baby Chicks
  • When a chick is strong enough, it hatches from its egg.
  • A chick has a lump on its beak called an egg tooth.  It uses its egg tooth to make holes around the shell. 
  • Baby chicks learn about what is good to eat by pecking. Sometimes they even peck at their own toes. 
Adult Chicken
  • A female chicken is called a hen.  A male chicken is called a rooster.   
  • Most hens will lay about two eggs a day.  In the winter hens stop laying eggs until spring. 
  • Chickens can live as long as 10-12 years. 

Let's enjoy the video below for more details! 

Chicken's life cycle is by laying Eggs --> Chick --> Adult Chicken.

In the next post we will continue to learn about other animals' and insects' life cycle. See you in the next post! 


  1. watch how pathetic life cycle of a chicken in farm at first day !
